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About MMC

About MMC


    Myagdi Multiple Campus (MMC) is a community based institution established and operated by the local civil society to open the gateway of higher education for filling the gap of human resources to fulfill the need of educated manpower herein and outside.


     Before 2048 BS (1992 AD), there was not any institution of higher education in Myagdi District. The absence of educational opportunities after SLC created an urgent social demand for establishment of a campus in the district. Prior to the establishment of Myagdi Multiple Campus (MMC), most of the students of this region had to go to Kathmandu, Pokhara or outside Beni for further studies after passing the SLC. The people of Myagdi thus took the initiative for the establishment of a campus. As a result, Myagdi Campus later renamed as Myagdi Multiple Campus was established in 2048 BS. Financial and other resources required for the establishment of the campus were raised from the efforts of local people and Myagdi people who were living in Kathmandu. All sectors of the society liberally contributed to the campus fund. Initially, MMC was run in Prakash Higher Secondary School and there were less than 50 students in the first batch. In 2052, it was shifted to its present premises. At present, MMC has became one of the largest community based campuses of Dhaulagiri Zone and there are more than 1,000 students (including +2 programme) studying in the Campus. Since its establishment, MMC has produced hundreds of students who are serving in several field of job within the country and the abroad.
MMC has been a pioneering community based educational institution of Nepal. It is located in a picturesque and peaceful surroundings in the Beni Municipality. The campus is an autonomous and not- for- profit organization established solely for the purpose of providing higher education. It is affiliated with Tribhuvan University of Nepal. Due to good quality of education, adequate physical infrastructure, affordable fees and convenient location for all districts of the Dhaulagiri Zone, MMC has been the center of excellence in higher education.

Our Motto

"Quality Education for Successful life"


"To contribute in building well civilized society through quality education."


'To lead in building civilized society on the basis of research, exploration, creative and critical thinking and intense study.'
•    Exceptional Research, Innovation, and Creativity.
•    Enhance student engagement and achievement in academics and co-curricular activities.
•    Institutional Effectiveness: diversity, integrity and openness.
•    Recruit, retain, and advance a diverse intellectual mix of faculty, staff, and students, including women and those from underrepresented
•    Maintain respectful, inclusive, and equitable behavior in all the university environments.

•    Enhance quality and relevance of higher education and research through a set of incentives for promoting effective pedagogy,
     management and financial sustainability
•    Increase the numbers of student enrollment and to increase pass percentage
•    Improve access for academically qualified under privileged students, including girls, and educationally disadvantaged Janajati (EDJ) for
      higher education
•     Introduce new, modern and technical subject
•     Enhance the use of technology in teaching learning activities
•    Organize trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences to promote the skill of teachers,  staffs and students
•     Establish friendly linkage with national and international universities and colleges
•    Increase admission rate, durability, pass percentage and achievement level through reinforcements
•    Increase community participation
•    Strengthen library with full automation
•    Establish the campus as internationally recognized educational institute

•    Quality and Excellence: We are committed to providing quality and excellence in all our endeavors.
•    Social Justice: We believe that people with all ethnic and social group, gender and class are entitled to equitable access to higher 
     education for grasping opportunities, and privileges.
•    Research, Innovation and Creativity: We are committed to the pursuit of inquiry and discovery and to the creation and dissemination of
•    Collaboration: We believe in working together with likeminded organizations and building cooperation for greater synergy and
•    Accountability: We deliver our commitments. We are accountable to the society its components and the stakeholders practicing
     education with us.
•    Freedom of Expression: We are committed to the free exchange of ideas in a constructive and civil environment, including the canons of
   academic freedom in research, teaching, and outreach

 The Campus is effortful QAA and quality of education in future too by performing following development initiations:
•    Obtaining autonomy in designing the curriculum, conducting the examination and evaluating students' performance.
•    Program extension (Market demand-able).
•    Infrastructure development and enhancement of learning resources (construction of Education Block, seminar hall,    boys hostel and
      mega hall, parking side and purchasing more furniture, computers, projectors, books, lab equipments and  sports materials).
•    Enhancing the capacity of academic departments (supports for the faculty development and for the preparation of academic plans,
      student profile, student's progress and feedback report and analyzing the performance of students on regular basis).
•    Improving the teaching learning methods (Arrangement of refresher training for teachers, invitation of national level experts as visiting
     professors, engaging teachers and students in research activities, providing career guidance to students and encouraging teachers to apply
     recent methods of learning and teaching).
•    Creating national and international linkage for increasing the students' exposure, faculty development and maintaining the financial base.
•    As in the past, keeping good relationship with the society.

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